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Brazilian music for weddings in Mallorca | Musical entertainers Spain


Brazil is a country from which hails a rich culture, full of colour, song and dance and what better way to enhance your special day with some vibrant Brazilian music.

Brazilian artist Ana Cláudia Paschoal
Brazilian artist Ana Cláudia Paschoal.

International music can enrich your big day and inspire guests at your wedding reception and if you’re looking for a touch of Brazilian jazz music, bossa nova and / or samba for your special day, then check out today’s feature article where we meet Brazilian artist Ana Cláudia Paschoal who shares an insight into her music style and the influential role Afro-Brazilian history has played in her life.

Hi Ana, thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to be with us today. Tell us a bit more about how your love affair with Brazilian music began?

I’m Brazilian, born in Brasilia, and Brazil is a vast country consisting of multiple cultures and ethnicities, full of many traditions and customs which means that I have always been surrounded and in contact with traditional culture, especially through music and dance. Then, when I went to University (to study communication) I had my first contact with capoeira (a Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance, acrobatics, and music) and I was hooked. Thanks to this beautiful art I started to be more interested in the Afro–Brazilian history, and it has become the origin of almost everything I play.

Brazilian music with different musicians from all around the world.
Ana shares Brazilian music with different musicians from all around the world.

Shortly after my initiation into capoeira, I started a samba group with friends from the university, in which I was the percussionist and singer. A few years later I decided to continue with my journalism studies in Barcelona and it was in Spain where I started my professional career in the music world, performing with great artists in a project called “Madame Baião.”

Now I have my own projects in Mallorca sharing Brazilian music with different musicians from all around the world.

Ana (second from the right) with a group of other female musicians.
From Brazil to Barcelona and then Mallorca, how did you end up in the crown jewel of Spain’s Balearic Islands?

After living for eight years in Barcelona I moved to Mallorca to accompany my partner and start my own projects in the music space.

What do you most love about the island?

I think that it is a place full of secrets and mystery. Every day it is possible to discover something new. When I think “nothing” is happening around here, I find out that there are so many things happening, which makes me feel excited about discovering not just new spots, but new cultural movements. A beautiful island full of possibilities.

Ana performing at an open-air event in Mallorca.
How did you get into weddings and what do you love most about performing at weddings?

I often play with a great Brazilian musician, Pedro Rosa, who has lived on the island for many years and I was invited to play at my first wedding with him. Performing at weddings is an incredible experience because you get to share your passion and music at a very special moment where everybody is happy, excited, full of love and where there are very good vibes. It’s really wonderful and a great honour to play in such special and emotive moments.

Please describe your music style, are you flexible if a bridal couple requests a certain theme or song?

I can play different styles, but I usually play Brazilian songs, mainly bossas novas, sambas, etc. or Brazilian songs mixed with some internacional songs such as swing, reggae, jazz… Always in an intimate and calm musical environment, perfect for moments such as dinner and the cocktail hour. And yes, if a bridal couple requests a certain song and I’m able to adapt it to Brazilian-style music, it’s always a pleasure to attend a special song.

Ana with a Berimbau: A Brazilian Musical Bow.
Any funny anecdotes that spring to mind about performing at weddings?

There actually isn’t one that stands out in particular, but weddings in general are always so much fun, full of happy moments, meaning there are always plenty of funny events happening all the time.

What are your future musical plans, can you share them with us?

I’m currently working on a very exciting project related to traditional Brazilian music, Forró do Pulpo, with which I hope to take all over the island, with the aim of bringing dance and music to many events on the island.

I also aim to take time, every day, to keep improving with the current projects I have, always striving to take care of the quality, the repertoire and of representing my culture with affection and respect.

We’re at a moment that people can finally go out and have some fun. Now is the perfect moment to share my music with those people, to encourage them to dance and enjoy themselves.

Ana playing a surdo.
What do you like doing in your spare time?

My hobbies often overlap with what I do as work. I enjoy researching music and culture, discovering new artists, playing songs, and sharing music. I also enjoy practising capoeira, hanging out with friends, travelling, going out for the classical “cerveza y tapas”, and drinking in all the culture that I can.

Ana is a percussionist and singer.
A sincere “obrigado” to Ana for sharing your musical passion with us and for providing these super fun photos. Your live music proposal sounds the perfect way to add a touch of exotic magic to anyone’s big day. We look forward to hearing you at this, and future wedding seasons.
Ana plays traditional Brazilian music.